Teaching, leading and inspiring people to preserve, protect and enjoy nature, farming and the environment.
Select this item to generously sponsor a participant in the Aullwood Audubon Native Plant Backyard Challenge for 2025! The Native Plant Backyard Challenge (or NPBC) exists to provide education and promote native plant landscape projects to interested households. Purchasing a sponsorship allows another household access to all the benefits of the challenge at no cost to them!
Please note that purchasing a sponsorship ONLY sponsors another household to take part in the challenge and does not register you as a participant yourself. To participate in the challenge AND sponsor a household, you must purchase both a participant registration for yourself AND a separate sponsorship. If any sponsorships go unclaimed, those sponsorship payments will be considered a donation to the challenge and Aullwood Audubon. We hope these sponsorships help support more local and regional members to transform their backyards and go native!
Interested in being a participant in the Aullwood Audubon Native Plant Backyard Challenge yourself? Add a Native Plant Backyard Challenge participant registration to your order to sign up your own household for the challenge. Thank you!
(American Goldfinch on Silphium perfoliatum (Cup-Plant), Du Page county, Illinois Photo: Jestin Sebastian/Audubon Photography Awards)
Aullwood Audubon enriches lives through education and stewardship of birds and ecosystems. We envision a world where birds thrive and people prosper, everyone is empowered to take conservation action, and diversity of life and thought is respected. Purchases made from Aullwood Audubon provide crucial support to our mission. Thank you!