Teaching, leading and inspiring people to preserve, protect and enjoy nature, farming and the environment.
Why native plants? River Johnson, owner of Wandering Roots Native Plants and Ecological Landscape Design and member of the BIPOC Food and Farm Network, will discuss various priorities and reasons for such gardens, such as supporting wildlife and pollinators, reducing stormwater runoff, and providing beauty. River, who has a Master's degree from Antioch University where she studied market gardens, permaculture, biodynamic frameworks, and organic farming methods, will review garden design concepts such as wild versus formal, cottage, natural, layout method and garden preparation. River will also have a Q&A portion of her talk before the workshop.
Each household attending this workshop will collaborate on a group design, and should bring a photo and good description of their yard/garden area. River will work with each household to determine important aspects of their garden space, such as soil condition, sun and shade, and slope. Households will make a native plant wish list and a sketch of their dream garden!
You must pre-register for this event and registration is limited. Meet in the auditorium at Aullwood Farm, 9101 Frederick Pike, Dayton OH 45414. Members of Friends of Aullwood, National Audubon Society, and ANCA affiliated organizations with membership card or receipt will pay a $12 workshop fee per household, limit 3 people per household. (Bring your membership card when arriving at Aullwood; those without cards or proof of membership will be charged the non-member fee.) Non-members will pay a $16 workshop fee per household, limit 3 people per household.
This workshop is free for participants in the Aullwood Audubon Native Plant Backyard Challenge, but NPBC participants must still preregister. NPBC participants should check their email for their special NPBC discount code. When making reservations, NPBC participants should click REDEEM YOUR COUPON, enter your code in the ENTER YOUR COUPON CODE blank, and press the APPLY button. Questions? Call 937-890-7360 or email AskUs@aullwood.org.
By continuing with this transaction, you agree that you will arrive at the time and date designated here and that your receipt will be presented upon arrival. As event space is limited and waiting lists may exist, reservations are final and non-refundable, and cannot be exchanged for reservations on different dates or times. Reservations are valid only for the original purchaser and cannot be resold to another party. Aullwood Audubon is an outdoor facility subject to unpredictable weather and weather-related refunds will not be issued. Please check our website at www.aullwood.org or our social media channels like Facebook and Instagram for the latest weather-related closure and delay information. Thank you!
[Ruby-throated Hummingbird Photo: Kristen Cart / Audubon Photography Awards 2015] (40)
Aullwood Audubon enriches lives through education and stewardship of birds and ecosystems. We envision a world where birds thrive and people prosper, everyone is empowered to take conservation action, and diversity of life and thought is respected. Purchases made from Aullwood Audubon provide crucial support to our mission. Thank you!